The Grand Granted Grant Glossary


Grant Writing

What is grant funding?
How much grant money can I get?
How long does it take to write a grant funding application?
How will my grant funding application be assessed?
What happens after my grant funding application is successful?
What happens if my grant application is unsuccessful?
What happens if I’m invited to an interview?
What does GRL® mean?
How do I find out my Grant Readiness Level (GRL®)?

R&D Tax Relief

What is R&D tax relief?
What qualifies for R&D tax relief?
How do I claim R&D tax relief?
How far back can you claim?

Grant Project Management

What are Innovate UK’s project reporting requirements?
What happens after my funding application is successful?
What happens when my project is ready for kick-off?
What are the benefits of Project Management support from our team?